Saturday, March 19, 2016

Ways of looking

            Art is very important in our lives because art gives us that enthusiasm for prettiness or shows us pain as part of the human condition. However, when it comes to art people gets afraid to ask directly: what is that? What is the meaning?  What the artist was trying to capture? Is the painting obvious? Is the painting complicated? This is the reason why the ways of looking in art analysis are fundamental in view of the fact that  any kind of critique without a general knowledge will be mediocre and detrimental.

           This art is an Acrylic on Canvas by Mario Notton. The acrylic doesn’t have title and date. This painting is part of La Guardia Community College Collection. The hallways in La Guardia have good illumination but the environment is not like an art gallery since you have college students going here and there and too much noise and movement of people do not let  concentrate in the  painting. I could imagine that La Guardia is the perfect gallery environment when is closed but the opportunity is there for those young artists who wants to expose their first piece of art.

          The painting’s artist refers to lines, forms, shapes, colors, value and texture. The artist was aware that he cannot create a piece of art without using these crucial elements. The artists uses different types of lines to create shapes in two dimensions like the decorative bottle, the wine bottle and the seashell in the painting. Color is the most expressive part of this paint because the artist uses primary colors like green and secondary colors like the orange to simulate the table. The artist gives value to the paint when he contrasts the lightness of the table with the darkness of the wall. In addition, the acrylic has texture because the surface is dry and hard.  

           In a nutshell, when it comes to art we have to use the correct approach for the analysis. My approach to analyze this painting was biographical, formal and stylistic. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good Gustavo- it would be helpful here when you are describing the types of analysis you are using to identify it with the sentences that describe it- so that a reader can clearly see how your are making the points you describe.
