Friday, March 18, 2016

Painting Analysis.

  This is an abstract art filled with geometric figures or shapes which remembers me to a maze. Looking at it from a far distance made me feel lost in the painting, like all I see is random shapes and lines. But then when I got closer I could see the details, I could observe there is a patron, those figures are set in a specific order. I also could observe that the artist used different colors to add figures inside the figures (like overlapping them). Again from far away those “shadows” look like they are mistakes or dirty, but when you get closer you can see they are there on purpose, they make a shape.

  This painting in under a simple and flat light, but the light is enough to illumine it, highlight the details and help you have a good look of the painting.

   Even though I don’t consider the distance a big factor at the moment of observe the painting, it can influence in the way you perceive the painting itself. The reason of this statement is because the painting is great, colorful, full of shapes. However, as I stated before from far away it looks like a mess, a maze, you can get lost in it, but at the moment of you get closer you will be surprised of the fine details, the way the brush was used, the mix of the colors, and you will appreciate even more the shapes as well (some shapes seem incomplete from far but really they are not).

     I used both formal and stylistic analysis, but mostly stylistic, because of the sensations that the painting made feel (lost like inside a maze), and because abstract art is in my opinion subjective, each interpret it on his own way, that is what make it special, unique. On the other hand, I also analyzed it in the formal way looking at the quality of the painting (traces, they way the artist used the brushes, etc.).


  1. Abstract painting is very complicated. I'm glad that you took your time to analize this painting. I think you got it! Good Job!

  2. Yes, Gabriel, you clearly are using formal AND stylistic and good job describing that realization. You also wrote very well on how distance plays a role in this work, and the experience of viewing from different positions. Great job!
