Monday, May 23, 2016

Essay #3

The class trip to Noguchi museum was a wonderful experience. When the professor said that we will be visiting the museum in Astoria I was surprised that there is any museum in my neighborhood. I live in Astoria for two years and I've never heard of Noguchi museum,pretty sad. I liked that the class was divided into two groups because we were able to experience and see everything without being crowded. I was in the second group and we started the museum tour from the second floor. We had a few minutes to observe everything and introduce ourselves to the tour lady. But mainly we were focused on one art piece by Noguchi.At very first look I didn't notice anything fascinating about the piece but when everyone started discussing further meaning of it I started thinking of the piece as well. The tour lady explained that Noguchi's mother was American and his father was originally from Japan. After Noguchi's birth his father left the United States and returned to Japan. This art piece represents the relationship between Noguchi's mother and father or may represent Noguchi as he is. The metal part of the sculpture represents Noguchi's mother (America was well known for production of stainless steel) and the stone, granite,on the top is from Japan. The metal triangle is supporting the stone. My group came to conclusion that there is circular energy flow around the sculpture. This additive sculpture may serve as a fountain.We see the presence of the stone and metal strong intersection. The sculpture is free standing and can be observed from any angle.
Another sculpture that I absolutly enjoyed looking at is located at the first floor.
The piece by Tom Sachs is comical and interesting mix media art work. He sarcastically named objects that can be found in a tool box,woman's purse and mini bar. Table salt he named "Satan",Tequila bottle as "Diablo",Chanel's bronzer as "Serpent of Old",Trojan Magnum condoms as "Beast" and screwdriver as "Lucifer". This relief sculpture is very unique and represents modern art.

Both sculptures, the Noguchi's and Tom Sachs', are reflecting their personality. The Noguchi's sculpture represents himself as combination of Japanese and American cultures.His temper and coldness from the sculpture reflecting the fact that his father never admitted Isamu Noguchi as his child. The tool box attached to the wall is reflecting Tom Sachs' humor or maybe his life. As an artist he probably uses most of these objects and the objects on the right side may be significant to his wife.
I definitley enjoyed the class trip to Noguchi museum as well as the park close to it.

1 comment:

  1. So happy that you now know about your rich neighborhood! I hope you will share it with others.
