Monday, April 18, 2016

Mm! Mm! Good!

Art is very unpredictable. Ordinary everyday things can be so unordinary in an art form. I am sure most of you probably already figured out which art piece I am talking about. That's right, I am speaking of the "Campbell's Soup Cans" painting collections by Andy Warhol that is being display at the Museum of Modern Art. Who woulda thought? A Collection of paintings of your dinner soup cans could make such a unique art piece. Then I would hear my girlfriend's voice in my head saying, "This is not unique, how is it unique when he made so many copies of the paintings?!" Unfortunately she's wrong, every can from the collection is different. If you looked closely, each soup had their own different flavors, the color reds aren't exactly the same on each can, and the prints on the cans aren't all even. Not only that, even the reflection on the can lids are different between each soup cans. That's what made it more interesting, from far you are able to see the repetitive of Campbell's soup cans, but view from close up, you can see the details and changes Andy Warhol included to make each soup cans different.

I always had a dream of becoming a great teacher. Unfortunately I lied, after this art lesson I had with my girlfriend insured me that teaching really isn't my type of job. First, I must question why are there so many different art elements? I can not blame artists for coming up with them and I can not blame my girlfriend for not knowing it. Therefore, I can only blame myself for not explaining it to my girlfriend before our lesson. I started by questioning her to see if she knew the style of the painting. She then told me, the style is being repetitive. I guess most people would not know representational, abstract, and non-representational, so I then taught her the meanings for each style. Gladly she caught up very quickly and was able to answer me that the paintings are representational. Asking her the mediums of the painting was extremely easy, because a painting would not be a sculpture or a photo. Therefore, she was able to answer me very quickly. Beside the answer, she also gave me the "did you think I was stupid" look. I then quickly made a come back by asking her if she knew the type of the painting. Indeed, my plan worked, she did not know. I laughed and taught her the types of paintings. It felt good, this was when I realized that I would be such a mean teacher. Last, I asked if she was able to list out all the elements in the paintings. She then asked me, "What elements?" At that moment I knew I was in trouble, because I would need to teach and explain each elements to her. However, gladly she was able to understand them quickly and explained the elements on the paintings back to me. In conclusion, going to MoMA with my girlfriend was fun, but teaching her was more fun. Never again though. PS. My girlfriend is very smart. She just did not know the right art terms. She totally did not focus me to type this.

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